Everyone here at Palace Pointe is treated like royalty…until we are given a reason not to! It doesn’t matter if you are a green fire breathing dragon or a silver knight in shining armor. If you do not follow the rules you will be asked to leave.
Anyone under the age of 16 is not allowed without a legal parent or guardian. You cannot drop a child off and leave, this is not allowed, no exceptions. Everyone will have their I.D. checked at the door.
Ages 18-20 can only be responsible for one other person under the age of 16. Anyone 21 or older can be a guardian for up to 5 people under the age of 16. Guardians must stay in the same area/activity, no exceptions.
Bullying, fighting and even “play fighting” are not allowed anywhere on Palace Pointe property! This is unacceptable here at the Palace. If you are asked to leave the premises and are caught again, then we will have trespassing orders in place.
We look forward to serving those that will abide by the Palace rules and policies. This is a family establishment and we want every one to feel safe and be safe, while you're here.
VAPING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING. If caught, you will be asked to leave.